In preparation for the transition to life beyond Falkland House School, the school operates a very comprehensive Pathways Assessment and Planning process.
The components of the plan related to Further Education, Training or Employment are coordinated by the education team. From S3 the process begins with initial contact from Skills Development Scotland.
Using a variety of activities including My World of Work, the pupils begin to explore options for post-school transitions. They gain insight into their strengths, interests and aptitudes which will lead to opportunities for both learning and employment.
With the support of the team around the child, the education transition coordinator works with the pupils to identify and access college and work experience placements which are experienced in S4 and then extended and built on during S5 and 6. Initially these placements are organised in the locality of the school to allow high levels of support.
As progress is made, access to college and work placements in the pupil’s home area are created to further support the development of a positive sustained destination for each pupil.
We have a wonderful example of how our young people can progress, listen to Robbie talk through his time at Falkland and his career so far.