Pupils at Falkland House School Perth follow the Curriculum for Excellence, which enables each young person to be a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and effective contributor. They have a Key Teacher who is responsible for monitoring and guiding their progress, liaising with parents and professionals.
When a pupil arrives in the school, they will be supported in managing the routine of the school and getting to know their new peer group. We produce initial assessments which look at literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing as well as an assessment of the social skills of the pupils. These assessments are compiled and shared with everyone in the school along with some appropriate strategies to support the pupil.
Formative assessment is carried out with the Big Writing Assessments, York Reading Assessments for literacy and Tee Jay for numeracy.
A broad general curriculum is followed through S1 to S3 with a strong focus on practical, project based learning and teaching.
Senior pupils focus on discrete subject areas leading to SQA qualifications from National 2 to Advanced Higher level. Their education is designed to prepare them for college and the workplace. This is enhanced by a Throughcare Co-ordinator who ensures all S4 to S6 pupils experience college placements, work experience and are given comprehensive career guidance.
Class sizes are small, between two and six pupils and each pupil has a personal Learning Journey document which tracks and provides evidence of work. The Learning Journey is used to celebrate success and also allows the Key Teacher to provide individualised targets and additional resources if required.
Whole school and mini projects ensure interdisciplinary learning and collaborative working in larger groups occur on a regular basis. The Seven Principles of Curriculum Design are used as part of our ongoing quality assurance process to ensure all pupils receive the best possible learning experience.