We are committed to providing the highest standards in relation to the safeguarding of the children and young people entrusted to our care.
The safety, security and protection of all pupils are paramount. Pupils’ rights are promoted in all aspects of their care. The school’s wide range of policies and procedures are underpinned by current National and European legislation, including the main principals as defined in the Health and Social Care Standards.
A whole school approach is dedicated to the care and support of all pupils. Care and teaching staff are widely experienced and professional and have a combined role in their responsibility for ensuring that individual pupils receive an optimum service in terms of their individual needs being met.
Individual keyworkers and keyteachers are fully involved with parents/carers and local authorities (i.e. social work, education and health) in ensuring that regular Looked After Child (LAC) reviews take place and that the individual needs of pupils are identified and recorded in SHANARRI Care Plans, Learning Journeys and/or Pathways Planning and Assessment records.